Random updates:
It was a long week. Longer than most. So long that if I look over my shoulder, I can't see Monday anymore. In fact, I can barely see this morning.
But. If the week went slowly, I realized today how fast the year is going. November 21st already, yikes. Every store is selling x-mas junk already - although, to be fair, in Hungary not only is there no Thanksgiving rule, but their holiday season starts December 6th with St Nick's Day. I have yet to do any shopping, other than one thing I bought for my brother back in May, and miraculously managed not to lose.
Still no exam results, despite me checking the website three times a day. Maybe if I checked it more, they would post the results sooner - you know, like pushing the button repeatedly really does make the elevator come faster...
Our directly-above-us neighbor has become enthralled with techno music. Sigh. Which means that a dull, throbbing beat now accompanies every conversation we have, every movie we watch, every book, every radio, every every every. Tomi suggested the neighbor is either high as a kite or working out all the time (maybe both??). I lost all hope when Jamie exclaimed, "Hey, that's the song they play at my aerobics class!"
Wow, and, as I was writing the above, the volume of the dull throbbing beat increased to a level that must have been near-deafening upstairs, because I could hear not only the beat but every single insipid word of the 'song'. Then after a minute, back to a normal volume, and just the beat. So... what was that? Was that a warning of some kind? "Stop posting about me, or it'll be full volume all the time"? I'm scared...
Supposedly it's going to snow this weekend. We'll see how that goes, pictures possible.
We're getting together for an early Thanksgiving tomorrow, pot-luck style, supposedly I'm in charge of stuffing, carrot cake, and potato salad. Repeat on seeing how that goes, repeat on the photographic evidence.
And finally, because as pestiside is always saying, it takes three to make a trend, this weekend'll be my seniors' "School Leaving Ball" - kinda like prom, but much more formal, and everyone is required to go. Petra, Tomi and I will be hurrying back from Thanksgiving, changing into our spiffy-nice elegant clothes, and watching the students dance and whatever. One last time, all together: we'll see how it... pictures... etc...
A citizen of nowhere checks out
6 years ago
Regarding Everyone in Szolnok Knows Everything in Szolnok, do you know my mother-in-law Gergulics Aniko, or nephew Balacsz Csaba. My husband grew up in Szolnok, his parents still live in Kertvaros, over by Cora. I spent a month there in October 2005 with our then 8 month old daughter and never made it Castro before they sold out of langos for the day. Lots of mosquitos there too. I did like the Marcipan Cukraszda.
Wow, alarmingly enough, I think you just proved my theory... sure I know Csaba, he's been one of my students since my first year here. Wierd. Anyway, what about langos? What/Where is Castro?
Actually, I am not sure the place is called Castro. I am getting a vaguely communist themed memory of a take out food store, near the fruit/veg piac, some camo decorations, and I thought there was a picture of Castro and cigars. The ladies working there were surly, and not patient at all with my attempts at ordering at the window. Norwich, CT, USA
And I have to say you did a great job teaching those kids some English. When I was visiting, I had to have Csaba come over often to translate for me. I almost asked him to ask his ENglish teacher to go out for coffee since I was craving some conversation. Karen
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