An update on the House War coming is coming in the next entry. But now, a recap of Spring Break: Szolnok.
Last week Wednesday seems eons ago. But, as I may have mentioned once or twice, there was a basketball game. Despite various handicaps, not the least of which were Davis being out of the game with a snapped ankle, as well as having to dodge the beer people kept throwing, the Olaj managed to pull off a 76-56 victory. Hajrá, Olaj! After the game, Mike, Juli and I celebrated.
Laura arrived Thursday, and we continued the celebration. Mike, not yet fully appreciating the wonder that is a Poor Girls’ vacation, departed for Budapest and points beyond, leaving Laura and I to spend the remainder of the break cooking (paprikás csirke, galuska, and onion rings, all successful), venturing out daily to check on the rivers (rising, flooding), watching movies, and getting Laura addicted to Lost (unfortunately, on the last day).
Today, Tuesday, we drove with Juli and her father to Budapest. Juli was going to the American Embassy to be interviewed for her visa application. She got it! They gave her a one-year tourist visa. Gratulálok, Juli! (She also got a really cool pair of new sneakers, not from the Embassy, and I got some books. But of course the visa is the most important part. Hence the parentheses, indicating a digression or afterthought. All right, I’m done).
PS - how could I forget? Our majorest accomplishment of the break was setting up the new CETP newsletter / blog, which anyone and everyone can check out at CETP Newsletter.
That’s all for real.
A citizen of nowhere checks out
6 years ago
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